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Youth And Arts Pathways - funding outcomes

Youth And Arts Pathways helps to attract and retain young people within the arts and cultural sector, and focuses on activities which support ongoing employment and career development.

Youth And Arts Pathways is part of the Queensland Government's Arts and Cultural Recovery Package of $22.5 million over two years to stabilise Queensland’s arts companies, secure employment for artists and arts workers and deliver COVID-safe cultural experiences for Queensland audiences


Youth And Arts Pathways supports Queensland’s young people within the arts and cultural sector during the phase of COVID-19 recovery where social distancing impacts the usability or viability of the sector. Arts Queensland is interested in supporting applications which best achieve career development for young people.

Youth And Arts Pathways provides funding for costs including but not limited to the delivery of training programs, workshops, placements or practical and technical skills development activities within professional arts practices.


Youth And Arts Pathways is supporting 8 projects for funding of $376,924 to attract and retain young people within the arts and cultural sector, and focuses on activities which support ongoing employment and career development.

  • Backbone Youth Arts $79,154 - Brisbane
  • Flipside Circus $64,100 - Normanton, Brisbane, Gold Coast
  • JUTE Theatre Company $38,911 - Kuranda
  • Metro Arts $72,000 - Brisbane
  • NorthSite Contemporary Arts $44,412 - Cairns
  • Blaklash Creative $24,220 - Woodford, Brisbane and online
  • Radio 4EB $25,750 - Brisbane
  • Empire Theatre $28,377 - Toowoomba

Information about the fund

Funding available - up to the maximum of $80,000, to support activities that will occur after 25 September 2020 and before 30 April 2021.

Applications opened: 31 July 2020 

Applications closed: 28 August 2020


Eligibility criteria

All applicants must:

  • be an arts and cultural organisation based in Queensland
  • have an active Queensland-registered Australian Business Number (ABN) that is in the name of the applicant
  • have satisfied the reporting requirements of any previous Arts Queensland funding
  • conduct the activity in Queensland

Additional eligibility criteria apply. See guidelines for a full list of eligibility requirements.


Supporting documents

Youth And Arts Pathways support documents: guidelines (DOCX) (331.75 KB) and frequently asked questions (DOCX) (321.66 KB)