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Arts Queensland schools touring services

The Queensland Government is committed to ensuring that early school students in rural and remote Queensland communities have access to engaging, high-quality and curriculum-connected arts and cultural experiences. 

A growing body of international and Australian research demonstrates the multiple benefits of an arts-rich education to support the skills needed for 21st century life, such as collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, communication, agility and empathy.

A key action of Grow 2022-2026 - part of Creative Together 2020-30 is to ‘enable quality classroom-connected arts experiences that engage young minds and increase knowledge of Queensland’s history and stories’.

In 2023, Arts Queensland released a competitive tender opportunity for delivery of a suite of diverse, high-quality, curriculum-aligned touring products with associated educational resources and teacher professional development from 2023 – 2026.

In August 2023, Minister for the Arts, the Honourable Leeanne Enoch announced that leading arts organisation Shake & Stir had been awarded the contract to deliver curriculum-connected school touring services for regional and remote kindergartens and schools over 3 years.

Rural and remote focus

The Schools Touring Service will address disparate access to arts education in rural and remote areas across Queensland, with most activity occurring outside of regional centres. The Service will deliver directly to school students and teachers and connect with local First Nations communities to deliver First Nations-related curriculum.

With the exception of the south-east corner (Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Lockyer Valley, Ipswich, Logan and Redlands), the Service will operate across the state.

What happens now?

The Service has commenced with an initial offer of product for schools in 2024. Product includes delivery to schools in person and online across various artforms and curriculum units. Shake & Stir will deliver to all age groups, including Early Childhood Centres, and provide teacher professional development.

Applications for schools to participate in the Schools Touring Service are now open. Teachers and educators can book through the Shake & Stir website.

Shake & Stir will be on the road in 2024 to meet with community and education stakeholders. If you would like to engage with Shake & Stir, you can contact the company at

Shake & Stir is not currently taking applications for involvement in the coordinated touring program from artists and producers, however, general enquiries can be sent to

Further opportunities

The Service is intended to complement regional arts engagement and touring that is already occurring in Queensland. Contestable funding opportunities through the Touring Queensland Fund will continue to be available for arts and education tours.

In 2024, Arts Queensland will announce an online hub to complement the Schools Touring Service. The hub will connect artists and educators, and further enhance educators’ access to high-quality, curriculum-aligned arts education resources.