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Strategic Partnerships Fund successful recipients

10 Queensland arts organisations will share in more than $3 million over 3 years to deliver new partnership initiatives and programming that strengthen their arts businesses and deliver impactful arts and cultural experiences. A further $429,836 will support 5 Industry Placements for up to 2 years, boosting creative employment opportunities and skills development.

Strategic Partnership Fund successful recipients:

  • indelabilityarts - $458,294 over 3 years to build company capacity to deliver accessible programs with a focus on growing income streams to help secure the company’s longevity.
  • Solar Productions Pty Ltd T/A The Tivoli – $400,000 over three years to support the establishment and future growth of ‘Roster Agency’ – a new content creation, artist development and promotion arm of The Tivoli and The Princess Theatre.
  • Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts – $390,000 plus up to $90,000 to support an Industry Placement to grow the business model of the PUNQ Festival by empowering its significance as a national event to delivers arts ecology expansion.
  • Dancenorth Australia – $355,000 plus up to $90,000 to support an Industry Placement for Regional Gravitation a new initiative that supports arts practice and career development for Australian independent dancers and choreographers in a regional environment, and to provide time, space and financial support to enable research, new work creation and presentation within a professional dance company.
  • Australasian Dance Collective – $250,000 over three years to build the company’s youth program including school workshops, Youth Ensemble and new training initiatives, to create pathways for young dancers.   
  • Australian Dance council, Ausdance (QLD) Inc – $312,987 plus up to $69,836 to support an Industry Placement to  deliver a dance education program, SafeDance for Kids, which will teach children about First Nations cultural safety, physical, social and mental health safety in their dance activities.
  • JUTE Theatre Company - $400,000 over three 3 years plus up to $90,000 to support an Industry Placement to drive a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to strategically develop, grow and connect the regional theatre sector, generating structures for new authentic works to emerge across regional centres, generating new investment, and growing the next generation of regional artists towards a rich regional program for the 2032 Olympics.
  • Sunshine Coast Creative Alliance - $257,600 over two years plus up to $90,000 to support an Industry Placement to leveraging The Refinery, an established creative business incubator program, and develop an ecosystem of interconnected, multidimensional programs to position the Sunshine Coast as a leading hub for the creative practice of art, design, environment and technology.
  • Testimony Arts - $125,000 to support Creative Industries, Social Enterprise, Repair and Restoration Arts Program (CISERR) — an arts-led initiative for at-risk young regional Queenslander’s that mobilises the arts to develop skills in problem solving, constructive risk taking, empathy, critical thinking and teamwork, while creating new sector employment opportunities for regional artists.>
  • Music Broadcasting Society of Queensland Ltd - $100,000 to expand its award-winning, aged care nostalgia music service Silver Memories through upgrading the satellite delivered service, broadening compatibility of the App delivered service across all digital platforms and increased live and filmed performances.