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Inaugural First Nations Arts Business Grants recipients

More than $100,000 is being invested in 11 Queensland-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and cultural businesses to grow skills and capacity.

First Nations Arts Business Grants successful recipients:

  • $6,160 to Erub Arts for a new business and strategic plan.
  • $10,000 for Hopevale Arts and Culture Centre’s new website, database and online shop offering local artists’ work for sale.
  • $6,963 for business development and an online platform for Ngaro/Gia Nations’ Aboriginal Cultural experiences, tours and hand-made artefacts enterprises in the Whitsundays.
  • $10,000 to Woorabinda-based social enterprise Mailaur for business planning and development.
  • $9,865 to expand the skills of Gunggari maker Judy Kirby into ceramics and local native timber.
  • $9,482 for Sunshine Coast-based Take Pride Movement to develop business planning and digital platform services.
  • $9,090 to Torres Strait Kaziw Meta Inc for building a Thursday Island sales channel for outer island students’ artwork.
  • $10,000 for Ganhaarr Cultural Education and Entertainment Indigenous Corporation to deliver a new website and booking platform for cultural tourism.
  • $10,000 to Munimba-ja Pty Ltd for business and governance planning for their contemporary Aboriginal arts gallery, studio and shopfront.
  • $11,000 for Weilwan singer Danielle Teveluwe to expand her music business.
  • $10,981 for business and strategic planning support to grow learning and performance opportunities for local artists at Townsville-based Big Eye Theatre.