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First Nations culture and practice


Key points

  • Celebrate the diversity of Queensland’s First Nations culture and practice.
  • Create and showcase new First Nations works from across the state, locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Nurture the First Nations creative sector through career pathways and skills training.
  • Raise awareness of fake Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts products.


What people said during the consultation:


Position Queensland as the leading Australian state in the development of new Australian work, especially of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories (Written Submission).


Assist urban aboriginal artists who share culture and stories through art to be promoted and given opportunities not just focussing on art centres in North Queensland. (First Nations sector survey)


Queensland’s public should be able to access our country’s richest exemplifications of indigenous performing arts no matter their physical location, respecting cultural ties to country and work made on country. (Written submission)


Keenly aware of the negative impact that fake imported products have on our local tourism retail market. It greatly reduces the income opportunities available to our local artists and exploits the cultural integrity of Indigenous communities. (Written submission)


The sector has a uniquely Queensland voice and First Nations stories and people have a leading role within it. (Written submission)