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Keeping Queenslanders healthy

Investment in arts programs and initiatives engage people of all abilities and ages in creative experiences in hospitals, care facilities and within the community to support positive health and wellbeing outcomes.


One wish

Katrina Elliott’s One Wish project at the Gladstone Hospital demonstrates the value of art in a hospital environment.


Laughter in the Outback

Barcoo shire found laughter is the best medicine when they hosted a comedy night and workshop for residents.



Healthy communities

Regional Arts Development Fund

The Regional Arts Development Fund is a long-running partnership between the Queensland Government and local governments to support local talent, unite communities and celebrate the arts across the state. Projects funded through Regional Arts Development  Fund have supported the health of Queenslanders and their communities. 


Indigenous Regional Arts Development Fund (IRADF)

Part of the Backing Indigenous Arts initiative, IRADF is a partnership between the Queensland Government, through Arts Queensland, the Torres Strait Regional Authority and Aboriginal Councils and host organisations throughout Queensland.  Projects supported by IRADF have reported positive impact on the wellbeing of participants involved in the project.


Supporting individuals

Advancing Queensland: an age-friendly community grants program

The Advancing Queensland: an age-friendly community grants program provides seed funding for community projects involving partnerships between local government, community and other organisations to co-develop, implement and promote innovative age-friendly projects. 


Reminiscence program

The Queensland Museum’s Reminiscence program provides provide cultural stimulus and social contact to less active senior citizens in aged care facilities. It began in 2010 and has since been delivered on a regular basis to 10 aged care facilities within Toowoomba. The program is unique in its implementation – museum volunteers, working with diversional therapists, make regular visits to nursing homes and use Queensland Museum loan kits to encourage residents to share their life experiences and interact as a group. 



The Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art has a range of free services and programs for visitors with a disability. Free discussion-based tours are designed for visitors with dementia and their family member, carer or support worker. The 60-minute tour aims to support reminiscence, validation and socialisation.