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Snapshot - Open Air


Open Air is a program within the Queensland Government's $22.5 million Arts and Cultural Recovery Package. Its purpose is to fund an exciting range of innovative outdoor programs, creating job opportunities and activating new performances spaces in our communities.

Applicants could apply for up to $80,000 (co-funding) to support the activation of outdoor and non-traditional external spaces and the programming activities and performances to be delivered in these spaces.

Applications opened on 17 August 2020, and closed on 10 September 2020.


  • 16 successful applications (27% success rate) secured total funding of $1,049,832.
  • Public announcement of successful grant recipients were made on 1 October 2020.

General Feedback

Successful applications were able to clearly demonstrate how their proposed activity responded to the Open Air fund’s objectives and the published assessment criteria.

All applications were assessed and moderated by a panel of industry-based peer assessors. The panel provided the following general feedback for applicants. Successful applicants:

  • Provided thorough information and details about their proposed activities and provided thoughtful, well explained marketing plans, showing how audiences would be developed and engaged, and attendance targets would be met.
  • Provided detailed and accurate budgets For example, applications with a breakdown of ‘Artists fees’ were ranked more highly as the transparency helped assessors understand how funding would be spent.
  • Included digital platforms in many proposals, and were able to evidence planning, relevant experience, and/or an existing audiences likely to engage with online delivery.

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