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Snapshot - Creative To Go


Creative to Go (C2G) is a program within the Queensland Government's $22.5 million Arts and Cultural Recovery Package. Its purpose is to provide Queensland-based artists and arts organisations with funding to deliver live performances and engagement activities in regional Queensland.

Applicants could apply for up to $20,000 to support activities including Artist in Residence projects, performances, extension of confirmed touring and adaptation of confirmed touring.

Applications opened on 6 July 2020, and closed on 18 September 2020.


  • 38 successful applications (72% success rate) secured total funding of $592,165.
  • As it was a rolling program, the list of successful grant recipients was updated periodically on the Arts Queensland website from August 2020.

General Feedback

Successful applications were able to clearly demonstrate how their proposed activity responded to the Creative to Go fund’s objectives and the published assessment criteria.

All applications were assessed and moderated by a panel of industry-based peer assessors. The panel provided the following general feedback for applicants. Successful applicants:

  • Provided strong support material including confirmations from venues, all artists involved and support letters from other partners.
  • Included evidence of demand from venues/community/audience.
  • Detailed appropriate artist fees in their budgets.
  • Provided detailed budget information to demonstrate the scale of the project and evidence that costs have been considered and accurately accounted for.  This included:
    • Unconfirmed income explained in the notes section (e.g. grant funding not yet advised)
    • Contingency plans provided if other grant funding is unsuccessful
    • Details included on how ticket income has been calculated (e.g. 100 tickets @ $25).

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