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Touring Queensland Fund


The Touring Queensland Fund focuses on supporting regional community access to quality arts and cultural events and products. It supports arts presenters and producers in the delivery of performing arts, visual arts, contemporary music gigs, and cultural heritage touring activity. 

This fund has 2 streams:

  1. Single year and single tour funding for single tours and touring programs including schools touring (within a 12-month period) and single tours to present arts products and experiences across Queensland touring circuits or regions.
  2. Multi-year touring funding for touring programs that are not dedicated schools touring within a 2-year period (with the option to extend funding agreements for a third year of programs) that enhance community cultural calendars and grow audiences for Queensland artists and arts organisations across or within regions.

Funding will support tours within and between regions, touring from Brisbane to regional Queensland locations, and tours from regionally based companies to Brisbane.

Note: The Touring Queensland Fund will only support single-year schools touring projects.  


The Touring Queensland Fund:

  • Supports arts presenters and producers in the delivery of touring arts and cultural experiences and gigs in a range of places including halls, libraries, galleries, performing arts venues, schools and non-traditional spaces within and across Queensland communities. 
  • Grows audience access to and demand for exceptional and diverse arts experiences.
  • Enables audience development within regions, for an artist, organisation and/or artform through touring activity.
  • Increases diverse programming, including First Nations arts, contemporary music, and inclusive arts, and drive regional company touring into new regional locations and Brisbane.
  • Provides new employment and career development opportunities for Queensland artists and organisations.


Single year touring programs and single tour funding—up to $100,000 for tour-ready performing arts, visual arts, schools’ tours, workshops, (any art form that falls under Arts Queensland's responsibility), and events for tour itineraries that include at least three (3) locations within a 12-month period.

Multi-year touring program funding—up to $150,000 per annum for touring an identified circuit of at least five (5) locations multiple times over a 24-month period. Funding will support either;

  • touring programs that repeat visits to the same circuits
  • tours to different circuits across the period.

Applicants can apply for up to 50% of the total project costs.

Additional funding

PLUS up to $60,000 towards a full-time industry placement for 12-months (or a pro rata equivalent for part-time) with a focus on arts management and/or arts production. The placement must be:

  • a new position
  • built into the planned activity, and you must provide evidence of your intention for continued employment of the person or role
  • supported by a holistic skills development program and a supervisor with appropriate experience
  • paid at least minimum award wage and covered under employer’s Workcover and superannuation.

Two-year funded applicants approved for this extra funding will have the option to apply for an additional $30,000 (or a pro rata equivalent) in Year 2 to continue employment of the placement if they can demonstrate the successful delivery of Year 1 and provide evidence of how they will transition to the continued employment of the person or role.

Arts Queensland will prioritise technical, stage management and production placements as well as placements for individuals who are living and working outside of South East Queensland, or who are First Nations persons or persons with a disability.


Important dates for the Touring Queensland Fund




Notification expected

Activity Start Date

Round 4  18 March 2024 CLOSED
(2pm, 29 April 2024)
Mid July 2024 From 29 July 2024

Round 5
(Guidelines TBC)

19 August 2024 30 September 2024 Mid December 2024 From 13 January 2025


How to apply

1. Visit our supporting documents page to view the:

  • Touring Queensland guidelines
  • General Funding guidelines

2. Complete the online application form. 

Arts Queensland uses Smartygrants, an online grant application system. If you are unable to access Smartygrants contact:

More information