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Regional Arts Development Fund

Arts Queensland is proud to partner with local government to support quality arts and cultural experiences across Queensland through the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF).

RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers of diverse and inclusive communities and strong regions.  RADF invests in local arts and cultural priorities, as determined by local communities, across Queensland.

RADF is delivered in partnership with 59 Queensland local councils.


RADF supports arts and cultural activities that:

  • provide public value for Queensland communities
  • build local cultural capacity, cultural innovation and community well-being
  • deliver Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.

Case studies

Horizon Sunshine Coast Festival of Arts and Culture

The inaugural Horizon Sunshine Coast Festival of Arts and Culture was a huge success with over 35,000 attending the 10-day event.


Laughter in the Outback

Barcoo shire found laughter is the best medicine when they hosted a comedy night and workshop for residents.


City of Logan public art and heritage trails

The first in a series of new public art and heritage trails in Logan City has been enormously popular. 


Road to Recovery

The Road to Recovery project, facilitated by Red Clay Community Theatre provided an opportunity for participants with addictions to tell their stories through theatre, music and writing.


Just us project

A street art project in Coen has strengthened relationships between the community and police, created a new artwork and increased community pride.


Good Vibrations

The Good Vibrations project at Endeavour Foundation Wallace Park Learning and Lifestyle developed creative skills of participants and staff, new relationships with community members and opportunities for artists.



RADF funding

The Queensland Government, through Arts Queensland, provides RADF funding to councils in 2023 - 2024. Councils also provide financial and in-kind support to RADF delivery as local projects, initiatives and grants programs.For more information or to apply for funding, please contact your local council.

RADF does not operate in the Brisbane City Council area or in Indigenous Council areas.

Applicants in the Brisbane City Council area are encouraged to apply through the Creative Sparks funding program, which is a joint initiative of Brisbane City Council and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.

Applicants in an Indigenous Council area are encouraged to apply through the Indigenous Regional Arts Development Fund, which is a partnership program between the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Councils, Communities and incorporated Community Organisations.


Assessment criteria

All applications are assessed by the RADF Assessment Panel against the below four equally weighted criteria. The indicators listed are a sample of the types of evidence needed to achieve each criterion:


  • Produces or contributes to high quality arts and cultural initiatives for local communities.
  • Proven capacity to effectively support and deliver arts and cultural services.


  • Provides access to and engagement in arts and culture for diverse communities, practitioners, participants and audiences.
  • Evidence of local demand for proposed program/s.
  • Demonstrates community and stakeholder involvement in RADF priority setting, decision making and evaluation.


  • Demonstrates cultural, artistic, social or economic returns on investment.
  • Supports one or more of the Queensland Government objectives for the community including safeguarding our health, supporting jobs, backing small business, making it for Queensland, building Queensland, growing our regions, investing in skills, backing our frontline services, protecting the environment.


  • Evidence of good planning for strong governance and management of RADF at a local level.
  • Evidence of partnership capacity with partners including business and government.