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Regional Arts Services Network

The Regional Arts Services Network (RASN) empowers Queensland’s regions to realise arts and cultural priorities and drive change through arts-led initiatives.

RASN works in partnership with local councils, artists and arts organisations, and communities to foster, facilitate and promote the sustainable growth of regional arts across the state. 

RASN service providers deliver local arts services across the state that enhance cultural vitality, create thriving communities, and advance regional development and social priorities in alignment with the State Government’s Creative Together 2020 – 2030 Roadmap.

RASN investment of $7.8 million over 4 years (2021-22 to 2024 - 25) represents the second iteration of the Regional Arts Services Network with 4 Queensland-based services providers helping to broker RASN partnerships:

  • Empire Theatres
  • Regional Development Australia Tropical North in consortium with Cook Shire Council
  • Topology
  • Central Queensland University 

Find your RASN provider

Regional Development Australia Tropical North
Aurukun, Cairns, Cassowary Coast, Cook, Douglas, Etheridge, Hope Vale, Kowanyama, Lockhart River, Mapoon, Mareeba, Napranum, Northern Peninsula Area, Pormpuraaw, Tablelands, Torres, Torres Strait Island, Weipa Town Authority, Wujal Wujal, Yarrabah. Contact:

Boulia, Burdekin, Burke, Carpentaria, Charters Towers, Cloncurry, Croydon, Doomadgee, Flinders, Hinchinbrook, McKinlay, Mornington, Mount Isa, Palm Island, Richmond, Townsville. Contact:

Central Queensland University

Banana, Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall-Tambo, Bundaberg, Central Highlands, Cherbourg, Diamantina, Fraser Coast, Gladstone, Gympie, Isaac, Livingstone, Longreach, Mackay, Moreton Bay, Noosa, North Burnett, Rockhampton, Somerset, South Burnett, Sunshine Coast, Whitsunday, Winton, Woorabinda . Contact:

Empire Theatres
Balonne, Bulloo, Gold Coast, Goondiwindi, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Logan, Maranoa, Murweh, Paroo, Quilpie, Redland, Scenic Rim, Southern Downs, Toowoomba, Western Downs. Contact:

RASN case studies

Together We Stand

Together We Stand, a collaborative art project developed by First Nations creatives from the Regional Arts Services Network (RASN) South East Queensland North (SEQN) region to keep connected and creating during COVID19.

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My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes

A new theatrical and musical performance provided much-needed creative engagement for young Queenslanders.

Download the PDF

Ironing Maidens duo deliver original take on “house” music

Queensland communities get on board for interactive electronic music experience.

View all RASN Case Studies

Background information

The first iteration of RASN (from 2018 – 2020) was backed by an initial $6.5 million Queensland Government investment.

Between 2018-2020, RASN delivered:

  • Over 220 regional arts projects
  • Over 160,000 attendees and participants at RASN supported activities
  • 1,189 artist employment opportunities created, 16% for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and arts workers
  • $1.16m paid to Queensland artists and arts workers through RASN programming
  • Over 250 capacity-building and training sessions and regional forums
  • 75% Queensland LGAs partnered with RASN
  • $5.9m new investment (81% cash)

From 2018 to December 2021, the following RASN providers made a major contribution to the strengthening of regional networks and the celebration of local art, culture, and identity.

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Creative business champions—free webinar series

The Creative Business Champions program, supported by RASN, is now closed.

From 2021 – 2022, Creative Business Champions provided professional guidance services to build arts sector knowledge and capacity.

View the 2021 Creative Business Champions Free Webinar series