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National Arts and Disability Strategy Evaluation 2013-2015

Artists, arts workers and organisations working in the arts and disability sector are invited to have their say on the outcomes of the National Arts and Disability Strategy 2013-2015.

The second triennial evaluation of the National Arts and Disability Strategy is being conducted by the Meeting of Cultural Minsters Officials Working Group. This evaluation will assess the extent to which initiatives and activities under the Strategy have been effective in supporting, encouraging and promoting access to, and participation in, arts and cultural activities by people with disability. This follows on from the inaugural National Arts and Disability Strategy Evaluation which assessed outcomes under the Strategy for 2009-2012.

The survey provides a series of questions that relate to each of the four priority areas for action identified in the National Arts and Disability Strategy. In particular, feedback is being sought on learnings that can be applied to improve program design and implementation, and to provide information on any areas that may require an increased focus in the future.

More information, including the National Arts and Disability Strategy 2013-15 Evaluation Issues Paper, is available at