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New signage enhances historic site

Mareeba Shire Council initiative supports cultural tourism at heritage listed site



New interpretive signage offers insights into the background of an historic site at Mt Molloy in Far North Queensland, located on the side of the Mulligan Highway.

The Mount Molloy Boiler Block is a heritage-listed site that hosts the remnants of the distinctive JM Johnston Sawmill, which includes the Stirling water-tube boiler and chimney, Walker steam winch and a large Marshall engine. The use of a large bolier and stationary compound steam engine was rare in sawmills, which generally used single-cylinder steam engines or portable steam engines, and this example may be unique in Australia. The sawmill operated between 1913 and 1963 and was the major employer in town.

The signage provides historic background about the role that sawmilling played in the history of the region and helps to clearly define the site as a cultural tourism destination. 

As part of the project, members of the community are asked to share their memories of the sawmill. The oral recordings are published through a local history project called the StoryTree.

The site was purchased for permanent community benefit in 2020 and officially launched as The Boiler Block in October 2021. The governing committee are committed to preserving the site’s historical values while also developing facilities that promote village-scale self-sufficiency. This message is introduced within the text of the interpretive signage.


When and where

Signage installed in October 2021.


Key stats

  • 2 new interpretive tourism signs plus roadside directional and safety signage
  • 3 employment opportunities for artists and cultural heritage specialists
  • 12 volunteers participated
  • Value of other contributions - $3000



The project received funding of $3450 in 2021 through the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) from the Mareeba Shire Council.

RADF is a long-term partnership between the Queensland Government and local governments to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland. 


  • Activate Queensland’s places and spaces: Installation of informative signage means the site now looks and feels like a tourism destination. 
  • Share our stories and celebrate our storytellers: The project collaborated with the local community to share stories.


Learnings and reflections

“This is a jewel in the middle of the village. Finally, people are starting to see the possibilities. There’s so much history right here.” Launch attendee. 

“It’s marvellous to see all these people come and talk about the sawmill and their memories of Mount Molloy.” Launch attendee

“ I remember playing amongst the railcars as a young boy. It’s great to see the site looking like someone cares for it. This is a significant part of our community’s history.” Cyril Vains“My father was the engineer for the steam plant and I remember him coming home smelling like smoke and fire. It’s great to think about this site offering something to the future. We need to re-learn how to take care of ourselves at the local level.” Jeff Crowley

“We’re not great supporters of the logging industry, but we do understand how important it was for people have a livelihood. Our passion to set up a small greenhouse here so we can grow and sell native seedlings of the same species that this sawmill used to cut up. That would be a good way to complete the circle of life here in our village.” Julianna Russell and Ying Tee


"The Tablelands National Servicemen Association took a bus trip to Mount Molloy today and enjoyed reading these signs. They look terrific and are very informative." Facebook comment



What next?

The Boiler Block committee is working to pay off the loan used to purchase the property. They are also working on plans to develop facilities on the site. In 2022 the committee received $9000 through the Gambling Community Benefit Fund to purchase a portable toilettrailer to help further establish the heritage site as a location for community events.


Find out more

Mareeba Shire Council

Boiler Block committee