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Regional Arts Development Fund

Dogwood Crossing Public Program

The Dogwood Crossing Exhibition Program is engaging children and adults in textile,mosaic and potttery workshops.

14 Mar 2018

Calloused Hearts Short Film

Investment through Maranoa Regional Development Arts Fund, supported the professional colour grading and promotion of the award-winning short film Calloused Hearts.

22 Feb 2018

Welcome to Townsville, Cinderella

The construction of The Cinderella Dress from recycled materials at a community workshop has inspired a new event in Townsville, increased awareness of wearable art and led to opportunities for the artists.

4 Jan 2018

Forsayth by Night

A new social history tourism opportunity in Forsayth is providing benefits to the community.

9 Oct 2017

Kuranda Youth Arts Engagement Program

Participation in the Kuranda Youth Arts Engagement Program during the school holidays provided opportunities for young people to engage in safe group activities and develop their skills.

27 Apr 2017

One wish

Katrina Elliott’s One Wish project at the Gladstone Hospital demonstrates the value of art in a hospital environment.

31 Mar 2017