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Organisations Fund

Queensland Writers Centre - Telling Our Stories to the World

Telling Our Stories to the World, engaged regional communities across Queensland to tell their stories about the challenges of climate change through creative expression and storytelling.

11 Jan 2023

Topology’s Small Town Creative Bootcamps

Classical music maestros in tune with Bundaberg communities for inaugural Milbi Festival.

6 Oct 2020

Colouring NQ

When COVID-19 hit, Queensland’s arts companies got creative. Townsville-based Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts developed Colouring NQ, a digital colouring book featuring artwork from emerging North Queensland artists which engaged children and the young at heart.

Download the PDF

17 Sep 2020

5@5: sharing music during COVID-19 lockdown

Responding to COVID-19 social restrictions, Camerata adapted quickly to online programming, giving audiences the opportunity to tune in and tune out for five minutes each day.

28 Aug 2020

Grey Nomads VS the world

Bundaberg arts company Creative Regions scores a comedy hit with play aimed at young-at-heart travellers

23 May 2019

Artist Alison McDonald joins the war on waste with touring exhibition Wanton, Wild & Unimagined

The touring exhibition Wanton, Wild & Unimagined uses sculptured recycled plastics to address excessive waste and evoke environmental reflection.

19 Dec 2018