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Indigenous Arts Centre Network

Arts Queensland supports a network of Queensland Indigenous art centres and representative body the Indigenous Art Centre Alliance (IACA)

Indigenous Art Centre funding for 2023-2024

Indigenous Arts Centres supported by Arts Queensland

Indigenous Arts Centres Network mapDownload a copy of this map (PDF) (530.88 KB)

Aurukun - Wik and Kugu Arts Centre

Badu Island, Torres Strait - Badu Art Centre

Cardwell -  Girringun Aboriginal Art Centre

Coen - Coen Regional Aboriginal Corporation

Cherbourg - Cherbourg Historical Precinct Group Inc

Darnley Island Erub - Erub Arts

Hope Vale - Hope Vale Arts and Culture Centre

Lockhart River - Lockhart River Art Centre

Mapoon - Wei’Num

Moa Island, Torres Strait - Moa Arts

Mornington Island - Mornington Island (MI) Arts

Mossman Gorge -  Yalanji Arts

Pormpuraaw - Pormpuraaw Art and Cultural Centre

Quandamooka  -  Salt Water Murris Quandamooka Aboriginal Art Gallery

Thursday Island, Torres Strait - Gab Titui Cultural Centre

Wujal Wujal - Bana Yirriji Art Centre

Yarrabah - Yarrabah Arts and Culture Precinct