Audience Outlook Monitor- November 2021

The COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor aggregates survey data to assist artists and cultural organisations of all kinds to understand how audiences feel about attending arts and cultural events again. 


Queensland data

The November 2021 Queensland Snapshot Report draws on the insights of 1,515 Queensland audience members and was collected from 3 to 7 January 2021. 

Key findings

Audiences are feeling comfortable attending cultural venues

Majority of QLD audiences feel very comfortable at museums and galleries (79%), outdoor events with fixed seating (79%), community art spaces (66%) and large theatres and concert halls (65%).


Live attendance rates are high but plans are short-mid term

Current attendance rates are high (76%) and most audience members (83%) are actively making plans to attend cultural events, however, plans are more likely to be concentrated in the short-medium term


COVID-Safety is important

COVID-safety measures such as check-in and vaccinations requirements are important in encouraging audiences to attend.

Audiences indicated that check ins and fixed seatings must be in place to attend a large theatre or concert hall.


Audiences are looking local and light

80% of QLD audiences agree that they’ll be attracted to events in their local area over the next year to alleviate risks.

Qld audiences are also interested in ‘light-hearted programs’ (43%, up from 35% in July) – with some seeking escapism and uplift after the cumulative impacts of the pandemic. 


Online engagement is here to stay

QLD audiences see an ongoing role for digital arts experiences in their lives (69%). Digital engagement increased from 37% in July 2021 to 42% in November 2021.


Download the Queensland Snapshot

Queensland Audience Monitor Outlook – November 2021 (PDF) (3.06 MB)


About the research

The Audience Outlook Monitor is an international study tracking how audiences feel about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Arts Queensland is collaborating with research agencies Patternmakers (Sydney) and WolfBrown (USA) and other government art agencies across Australia to produce this resource.

Each phase involves a cross-sector collaborative survey process involving arts and culture organisations, including museums, galleries, performing arts organisations, and festivals.

For more information about the study, and to access resources such as the dashboard, visit 

Other phases

July 2021 Audience Outlook Monitor

March 2021 Audience Outlook Monitor

September 2020 Audience Outlook Monitor

July 2020 Audience Outlook Monitor

May 2020 Audience Outlook Monitor