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Happy Mondays – Stella Read

To mark Book Week this week’s Happy Mondays, Stella Read talks about The Corner at the State Library of Queensland and some of her favourite children’s books

What are you creatively working on at the moment?
There are plenty of creative projects to keep me busy at State Library. For example, The Corner is our play space for children under eight and their parents, carers and friends. This space is open daily from 10am to 3pm, so during those hours I can get in touch with the community of creativity here at the library, to find inspiration for the next Corner theme, holiday programming or pop-up events the team could be working on.

Where would we find you on a Monday?
Every Monday morning we have a team diary meeting, which is a good chance to familiarise myself with what’s going on that week, and find out where myself and our team will be. The team delivers programming on site at SLQ, as well as off site in partnership with local councils, and we deliver some terrific work online too. So on Monday morning at least, with coffee in hand, I will be in the office with the team.

Favourite part of or thing in The Corner?
Anybody who has heard me talk about The Corner would know that I find it very difficult to narrow it down to just one favourite element. Having said that, if I had to choose, one thing that never ceases to impress me is how each themed installation evolves over the four month period it is in situ in The Corner. A wonderful and talented team work together to build each installation, but really at bump-in it is a blank canvas. It is only once the community of children, families, artists and educators spend time in the space building, playing, interpreting and leaving their creative mark, that it really comes alive. At the moment we are one month in to our Holiday through Queensland Picture Books installation, and yet again I am amazed and really enjoying the dynamic evolution of the space. Actually one more thing…the audible gasp that children make when they see a new theme for the first time and they know it is a space at the library all for them. That excitement makes the many hours of late night bump in all worth while.

What are some of your favourite picture books?
I love Oliver Jeffers, and his alphabet book Once Upon an Alphabet is fantastic for all ages. Bob and Bernard have an invaluable lesson to teach about burning bridges.

I also adore the work of local artist Chris McKimmie – his picture book Crikey and Cat is a favourite.

Of the picture book classics I have always loved Harold and the Purple Crayon, and who can go past the magnificent line in Where the Wild things Are “Oh please don’t go, We’ll eat you up – We love you so”.

And of course each time we install a new theme with a new suite of books in The Corner, I find new favourites.

How are The Corner celebrating Book Week?
We kicked off Book Week on Saturday with an event here at State Library. The Big Draw was presented in collaboration with Booklinks and Children Book Council of Australia (Queensland Branch), and saw a great turn out from families, and local authors and illustrators, celebrating Book Week. And all week, all month and for the next three months, we will be celebrating picture books — especially Queensland picture books — here in The Corner, so please drop by and have a play.


Stella Read is a project coordinator for the Literacy and Young Peoples Service at State Library of Queensland. Stella and the team develop and deliver programs for children aged birth through to eight years, including the creative play space, The Corner. Stella has an educational background in Visual Arts and Museum Studies, and has developed and delivered children’s programming for Out of the Box, The Brisbane Writers Festival and The Ideas Festival, and loves working side by side with children on these programs.


Feature image: The Corner – Holiday Through Queensland Picture Books Day 1. Image courtesy The Corner

Image: Stella Read and her friend Oscar. Image courtesy The Corner