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LendLease project update December 2022

2022 has seen significant progress on the new performing arts venue with major milestones achieved. Progression of the structural elements of the building have allowed internal activities to commence, with work ramping up within the construction site.

2022 has seen significant progress on the new performing arts venue with major milestones achieved. Progression of the structural elements of the building have allowed internal activities to commence, with work ramping up within the construction site.

Major construction milestones for 2022 have included:

  • Cores reaching full height.
  • Commencement of the internal structural steel installation.
  • Progression of fit-out activity in the lower levels of the building. 

Activities during the Christmas break

The construction team will take a break during the Christmas period with the worksite closed from COB Thursday 22 December 2022, returning on Tuesday 3 January 2023. Security will monitor the site during this time, and all machinery and equipment will be fully and safely secured. .